You can report your plug-in electric motor vehicle to receive a credit from the IRS. Previously, this credit was only applied to passenger vehicles and light trucks and vehicles purchased after December 31, 2009. The good news is that this credit for qualified two-wheeled plug-in electric vehicles is now able to cover vehicles acquired in 2018-2022.
However, the credit begins to phase out for a manufacturer when that manufacturer sells 200,000 qualified vehicles in the United States.
For new electric vehicles purchased in 2022 or before, the maximum credit is $7,500. It is nonrefundable, which means you cannot get back more on the credit than you owe in taxes. You cannot apply any excess credit to future tax years.
For the full list of qualified vehicles purchased before 2023, click here.
For the full list of qualified vehicles purchased in 2023 and after, click here.
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