Home TaxInfo Teaching Expenses

Teaching Expenses

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In order to deduct your teaching expenses, you must be an eligible K-12 educator. You must also teach at least 900 hours in a school year. Here are some examples of professions that count:

  • Principal
  • Counselor
  • Instructor
  • Teacher
  • Teacher’s Aide

When filing your tax return, you can deduct up to $250. If you’re married filing jointly and both you and your spouse are teachers, you can deduct $500 in total for teaching expenses. ($250 per person)

The following below are qualified expenses that aid in your profession:

  • courses you need to take which directly correlate to your education towards being a teacher
  • books
  • supplies
  • computer equipment as well as software
  • supplementary materials
  • athletic supplies for physical education teachers


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